English Assignment (Project):

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Why should students take English ?

Poor Writing Skills: The Kiss of Death
Why should students should take English 104, Composition and Rhetoric, at Texas
You came to A&M to get a great education, right? To learn how to be a world-class
engineer, or doctor, or business person? You wouldn’t take your primary courses for your
major at a junior college because you want to be as prepared as possible for the career
challenges in your future.
Consider this:
A 2003 survey from the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
indicated that 75 percent of engineers in those fields ranked writing as either the “top
most important” or a “very important” skill required for success in their careers.
Similarly, the engineering journal Professional Issues in Engineering Education and
Practice reported that: “Within 2-3 years of graduation, engineers spend about 30 percent
of their time on the job writing; engineers in middle management spend 50-70 percent;
and engineers in senior management spend 70 percent or more—up to 95 percent” (Silyn-
Roberts, 1998).
Furthermore, a 1996 survey conducted by North Carolina State University revealed that
across all disciplines, professionals spend from 31 to 50 percent of their time writing
(Miller, Larson, & Gaitens, 1996). Likewise, a 2004 report, “Writing: A Ticket to Work,”
from the National Commission on Writing noted that “poor writing skills are the ‘kiss of
death’ for those on the job market because 51 percent of companies say they ‘frequently
or almost always take writing into consideration when hiring salaried employees’”
(Johnson-Sheehan 5).
Writing skills are important to your future success in your career. Very important.
Writing Programs at Texas A&M University wants to be a partner with you in your
pursuit of excellence. We want to see you get the quality education you paid for.

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